Contained in this email, is the answer to all your beginning of the weekend woes! 

Wait - did you say this weekend?!?

Un Huh!  I know you were sitting there in front of your computer going: "Wow!  Look at all the work that's piling up in front of me.  I need a break, but how can I justify taking a break with all this work?"
Well, this is how:

Friday night: 7pm
MUSC 301,302, and 303
Board games, fun, fellowship, and...

that's right, I said Ice cream!!!  All we ask of you, is that you bring along your favourite ice cream topping to share!

Now as you're reading this, I know what you're thinking:
"Oh, that sounds fun, but I've got all this work..."
- my answer to that is that taking breaks and rewarding yourself for hard work is actually essential for good mental health.  Also, you may just find that after some really good relaxation time, that you're more productive than when you started!
Or perhaps you're thinking:
"But I won't really know anyone there, and all my friends are going home for the weekend"
- my answer to that is that if you see above, these nights are for fellowship!  That means making new, quality, lasting, relationships, so...
Or maybe you're thinking:
"Isn't something else going on this weekend?"
- and the answer to that is - probably.  I hope however, that you will strongly consider this games night as an opportunity worth taking.

Okay, that's all for now.  I hope to see many of you there, with ice cream toppings and friends in tow!

God bless!


Weekly Update

Hello everyone!

I hope that you all had awesome weeks, and an extra great weekend!  This is just a weekly reminder of what's going on!  So:

Small Group
Mary Keyes Residence Lobby

57 Barclay St.
7:00pm  (I'll meet people at the fireplace in MUSC around 6:40 to walk over)
Dinner Included!!!

Prayer Pockets
If you have signed up for a prayer pocket, expect an email soon from your pocket's leader!  If you have not yet signed up, but would like to be a part of one, send me an email and let me know!

Games Night:
Stay tuned!

Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed week!  Hope to see you out and about!


Small Groups!

Hello one and all,

This is just a quick reminder that small groups have started this week.  If you missed last night's study, come out tonight.  You don't have to be signed up to come (we just did that for a numbers estimate).  Everybody is welcome!  We will be meeting at 7pm at 57 Barclay (Joshua's House), or at 6:40pm at the MUSC fireplace to walk over together.

God bless!



Sorry to fill up your inboxes, but I was just informed that a mistake was made in the last email I sent out.  Please note that te Monday night small group will be in Mary Keyes Residence, and the Tuesday night group will meet at Barclay St. (meet at MUSC and walk over).  Sorry again.

Hope to see you all at games night!
(tonight MUSC 308)


Hello again!

Here is the prior mentioned list of dates and times for Bible Studies and Prayer Pockets!  You can sign up either at the DUTCH BLITZ GAMES NIGHT tonight (6pm CIBC Hall MUSC 308/309), or you can sign up by sending me an email.

Small Groups:
(Manuscript Bible Study)

Monday Night, 7pmat 57 Barclay St.
For those who wish, we will meet at the Student Center Fireplace at 6:30-6:40 and walk over together!

Tuesday Night, 7pm in the Mary Keyes Lobby
You will meet in the lobby, and then head up to a common room for the study.

If neither of those nights work for you, let us know!

Prayer Pockets:
(groups of 3 or 4 who meet for ~1hr a week to pray with each other)

Monday, 9:30am - MUSC fireplace (with Naomi)
Tuesday, 1:30pm - 1st floor Williams HSC (with Kammie)
Wednesday, 2:30 - 1st floor Williams HSC (with Joel)
Thursday, 8:30am - Keyes Lobby (with Tim)
Thursday, 10:30am - Hamilton Hall Math Cafe (with Joshua)
Thursday, 2:30pm - IAHS sign (with Heidi)

Hope to see you all tonight!!!! (6pm MUSC 308/309)


Games Night!

Hello one and all!

Feeling a bit overwhelmed after a full week of classes?  Come to CIBC Hall (MUSC 308/309) this Friday at 6:00pm for a break!  We'll have lots of boardgames, free munchies, and great people!  For the first part of the night, you are invited to join in a game of dutch blitz, and get the hang of the game before the second part of the night in which we will form teams and play a giant game of dutch blitz with extra large cards!  The rest of the evening will be relatively unstructured, and will be a chance to make some new friends, pick out a board game, and have some fun!

Friday night will also be a chance for you to sign up for a Small Group or a Prayer Pocket.  For those of you who aren't sure what those are, I'll break it down for ya!

Small Groups:

We're hoping to run a minimum of 2 small groups, one on Monday nights, and one on Tuesday nights.  At small group this year we will be studying the book of Acts.  We will be doing so in a style called manuscripting.  What that means, is that we take a more academic approach to Bible study, we try to understand each passage within the context that it was written.  We invite anyone (christian or not) who is interested reading the Bible and asking questions to try out one of these studies.  It is also our hope, that as well as gaining a better understanding of scripture, that you may also find in your small group, a community of friends who wish to support and guide you on your life and spiritual journeys.

Prayer Pockets:

Prayer pockets are very small groups of students who meet at a planned time and location once a week for about an hour to pray for each other and hold each other accountable.  It is our hope, that prayer pockets would provide their participants with even more of a sense of community, and that in their prayer pocket, individuals may find a support system rooted in Christ as you gather together and bring praise and petition to the lord on a regular basis.

So, that's it for now!  I will send out a detailed list of the dates and times for small groups and prayer pockets this Friday before the games night, and you can either email me with the one you hope to attend, or, there will be a hard-copy sign-up sheet at the games night on Friday - so bring your schedules!

Hope to see you there!

Emily DeVries

P.S.  If you have received this email by mistake, or would just not like to be on our email list anymore, please let me know, and I will remove you.

Hello, hello, hello!

We said more details were coming - so here they are!

Our first event will take place next Friday, September 16th. We are holding a Giant Dutch Blitz Games Night!
We will have a giant set of Dutch Blitz cards so come out for a life-sized game with us.
The game will start at 6:00 pm in CIBC hall (MUSC 319). The game will be followed by chill time, snacks, and more games.
Come on out, and bring all your friends!

Also, if you haven't joined our facebook group yet, do so!

See you at Clubsfest!


Welcome back!


Welcome back to school!

We are working on getting things started again this year - small group Bible studies, prayer pockets (3-4 students meeting weekly for prayer) and games nights will start up in the next few weeks. More e-mails to come....  :)

In the meantime, Clubsfest is happening this Thursday from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm on campus. Our booth is near the entrance to the Student Center.
Come check us out or help us out!

I will be in touch with more details about times and places of events soon,
