Hey Everyone,

This is an update on the Coffeehouse/auction that was meant to be happening tomorrow evening. The Coffeehouse will be post-poned until next Thursday.

The Prayer Night for the retreat is also now being held tomorrow evening from 5:30-7 at the Interns house at 126 Haddon Ave. S.

That's all for now!

Hey everyone!

So as mentioned in an e-mail earlier this week, we will be having a time for us to gather as a community and pray. Our first prayer time will be tomorrow from 11:00am-12:00. We will be gathering as a community to pray about the things that God is doing in our lives, our friends lives, on our campus, around the world and within our community!

We will be meeting in the stained-glass area just outside the chapel in Divinity College and then be moving to room 141 of Divinity College to pray. Feel free to drop in at any time even if you don't have long! It is so important to be praying about the things that God is doing and we hope that even if you are not able to make it out you will be keeping these things in your prayers!

Hope to see you tomorrow! Many blessings!

Hello Everyone!

We've got a number of announcements this week:

First of all we want to announce our upcoming joint VCF-KCF/Brantford retreat February 5th-7th. The theme for the weekend will be Kingdom Communiy: What are we a part of? We'll be leaving around 6ish but there will be later cars for those who have later classes/exams. Register by emailing Christine at christine.wuey@gmail.com - include any food allergies please! Cost is $65 but there may be some options available for those who would like to come but can't afford the moolah. Should be good times! There will be GIANT dutch blitz!! It's hard to get better than that.

Secondly, this Thursday, Jan 28 at 5:30 in Clubspace we'll be having COFFEEHOUSE & AUCTION to help raising money towards sending people towards the retreat! Come out for a fun night of entertainment and auctioneering!  Bring money to purchase a service or good up on the auction block!
You can also participate by donating any good you are not using or volunteer a service to be auctioned that night.  Also, performers are needed for the coffeehouse portion.
If you have a performance or an item to be auctioned, contact Wasim (wasim.hossain@gmail.com) or Jared (jimrod2000@hotmail.com)

Thirdly, we'll be having a Prayer Night on February 4th at 5:30 to gather and pray for the upcoming retreat! Location is TBA, but keep the date in mind!

Fourthly, we want to start gathering more as a community to pray for and support each other, our campus, and our world! In the next few weeks we're going to start having prayer times on Tuesday and Thursdays from 11-12. We'll be starting up this Thursday with a location TBA. Come join us in prayer!

Small groups are up and running this week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. If you'd like more information on these, please let us know!

Have a blessed week!

Hey Everyone!

Just a quick heads up for those of you coming to the small group tonight, we're planning to have dinner before the study, so feel free to drop by for 6 if you want to join us!

Hey Everyone!
Small Groups are officially kicking off this week! Here's the Info:
Monday: 7-9
Leaders: Kemp and Sam Chung
Location: TBD
** for this week, Monday's small group will be meeting at 6:30 at the bus stop beside div college to head to Saigon for a first hang out meeting
Wednesday: 6-9
Leaders: Dave and Christine
Location: 56 Glenmount
** Dinner starts at 6, Study starts at 7
Thursday: 7-9
Leaders: Robyn and Sam Lau
Location: 15 Hollywood St. N.
All small groups are open to new members!!
Have a great week!

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all had a somewhat relaxing break (even though so short for some of you!), and everyone's kicking back into gear with school!

Official small groups will be starting up next week again, so keep a look out for more details about that! But all small groups will be having a hang out night just to catch up and see where everyone's at this week. Your small group leaders should be sending info out about those shortly. If you weren't part of a small group last term and would like to be, please contact me and I can get you connected.

Also wanted to pass along some info about Christ at Mac Week, which is running from January 17th- 23rd. All the info about the events and how to get involved is below!:

Volunteers are needed for set up and take down for the first worship service on Sunday January 17th at 7pm in HSC 1A1. For set up, people are meeting at 1280 at 1:30pm and if you come a bit later, meet people at HSC 1A1. For the "take down", people will just need to stay until the end of the service which will be around 10pm. Please contact Robin for more info (robin@liftchurch.ca). Also contact if you would like to help out with Closing Worship.

We also need acts for our Coffee House on Tuesday January 19th from 6pm to 9pm. Singers, dancers, comedians, actors... anyone who has a talent to share! It will also be open mic, so let them know that they can come out and speak. Contact Shani for more info (shani.serrao@gmail.com).

The 24/7 prayer blog is located here: http://www.247prayermcmaster.blogspot.com/

In order to sign up for different prayer times you need to go here: http://www.gmail.com

And sign in... The e-mail address is: 24.7prayermcmaster@gmail.com
And the password is: 247prayer

Click on the Calendar link (at the top of the page) and you'll see three calendars. The Blue calendar is the prayer sign up calendar.

The schedule for Christ@MAC is below:

Sunday January 17th at 7pm – Worship Service in HSC 1A1

Tuesday January 19th at 6pm – Coffee House at the Phoenix (Wentworth House)

Saturday January 23rd at 2pm – Closing Worship in the Atrium (Student Centre)

Sunday January 17th at 10pm to Saturday January 23rd at 2pm – 24/7 prayer (in Clubs Space - Student Centre)

Hope everyone has a blessed week!
Intervarsity Exec Team