Welcome Back!

Hey Everyone!
We hope you all had a great Reading Week and are getting back into school alright!
Just a reminder that there will be Prayer starting up again tomorrow from 11-12 in Rm 144 in Div College.
Also, don't forget to come check out Olympic Central at the Intern's Place! Olympics.. All Day, Everyday!!

a reminder

Hey Everyone,

Calling all Leaders!!!
Just a reminder that you have until FRIDAY to submit your name for leadership next year.
We want to know who is interested in becoming more involved in the community and campus and having an opportunity to experience and learn about leadership.

If you would like to be considered for a leadership position next year, please contact Cole at nbassarab@ivcf.ca.
If you know someone who would make a great leader, tell them to contact Cole at nbassarab@ivcf.ca
If you have questions about this process, contact Cole at nbassarab@ivcf.ca.


News This Week

Hey Guys,

We hope everyone's holding up this last week with final assignments, midterms, papers, etc.! Here's a last few announcements before the break!

Firstly.. we're going to have Weekly Prayer again tomorrow in Div College in Rm 144. Come on out to pray with the community!

Secondly.. Small Groups will be continuing right after reading week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. If you'd still like to join a Small Group, just let us know and we can get you hooked up!

Thirdly..Calling all Leaders!!!
The time has come for us to start selecting leaders for the 2010-2011 school year!
We want to know who is interested in becoming more involved in the community and campus and having an opportunity to experience and learn about leadership.

If you would like to be considered for a leadership position next year, please contact Cole at nbassarab@ivcf.ca
If you know someone who would make a great leader, tell them to contact Cole at nbassarab@ivcf.ca.  
If you have questions about this process, contact Cole at nbassarab@ivcf.ca.


Fourthly.. an announcements from the Interns!

Do you like free food?
Are you a diehard patriot of this great country, Canada?
Do you not have access to a TV?
Do you believe?

Well, we believe. We believe we will have wiggity whack fun at Olympic Central. 
What is Olympic Central? The peeps at 126 Haddon Avenue South are hosting a 17 day long Olympic party. 
When is Olympic Central? Friday, February 12 to Sunday, February 28.
Where is Olympic Central? 126 Haddon Avenue South.
Who is invited to Olympic Central? YOU ARE!!!
Why Olympic Central? The Winter Olympics only happens once during your university career. Probably. BUT... it will be the only time you'll be invited to a 17 day party. With free food, games, prizes, and wiggity whack fun.

Believe that this is the party of the year. 

Because we believe. Do you believe?

Join the Facebook Event at, http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=destiny+wolf&init=quick#!/event.php?eid=331512226884&index=1

Hope everyone has a great break and we'll see you in a few weeks!

Hey Everyone,

This is just a correction for the Coffeehouse tomorrow. The Coffeehouse is going to be held in 1280, NOT Clubspace!

This Week

Hey Everyone!

This is a reminder that there will be prayer tomorrow morning again from 11-12 in Div College Room 144. Come out and pray for each other, our community, our campus, and our world.

Tomorrow evening is also the KCF/VCF Coffee House and Auction in Clubspace in support of the upcoming retreat! The night will be kicking off at 5:30.

And don't forget about the retreat this weekend! If you're still wanting to come on out, sign up ASAP!
