
Here is what is going on this week:

Halloween Fun!
First of all, book of this Saturday afternoon for time to spend exploring Westdale and then eating free Pizza!
When: October 29th, 3:45 pm
Where: meet at MUSC fireplace. Dinner is at 6 at Boston Pizza
What: Photo-scavenger Hunt and dinner
** Be sure to dress up! Also, invite anyone you think may be interested in joining us, and look out for the posters in the Student Center.  :)  

Small Group Bible Studies:

Monday Night
7pm Mary Keyes Lobby
Meet Karen, Alix, and Tim and head up to a common room

Tuesday Night
7pm 57 Barclay (or 6:45 at the MUSC fireplace)
Dinner Included!

Prayer Pockets:
Check out the website:

Halloween FUN!


Hope I didn't scare you too much there!  I'm just getting SO excited for the IVCF-KCF Halloween photo-scavenger hunt!  On Saturday, October 29th, come on out and bring ALL your friends for an afternoon and evening of halloweeny fun!  We'll be meeting at the MUSC (Student Center) fireplace (in the atrium) at 3:45 pm, and will end the hunt at Boston Pizaa (food's on us!).  If you can't make it to the hunt, we'd love to see you out for dinner at least, (you can meet us there around 6ish).  Don't forget to dress-up in your favouritest costume, and come prepared for... (I feel like I've already wrote this twice or something, but a couple more times couldn't hurt): FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!

For those of you who just skim my emails, and don't appreciate their enthusiastic flourishes:

When: Saturday October 29, 2011 Meet at 3:45, or just for dinner at 6
Where: at MUSC fireplace for a photo scavenger hunt (dress up), dinner at BP
How much?:  FREE

BRING YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Invite them NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The more people scavenging.... the more fun it will be. :)

Hope to see you all soon!


Weekly Update!

Okay, here's the deal:
Monday Night Manuscripting
7pm Mary Keyes Lobby
Meet Karen, Alix, and Tim and head up to a common room

Tuesday Night Manuscripting
7pm 57 Barclay (or 6:45 at the MUSC fireplace)
Dinner Included!

HALLOWEEN   Saturday, October 29th
Joint IVCF/KCF (Korean Christian Fellowship) event!!!!
Details to come!  Expect an email soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prayer Pockets:
Check out the website:

Hello one and all,

If you read the previous email I sent this week (yesterday), then you would have discovered the truly exciting fact that THIS FRIDAY, we will be having another fun-filled, laughter inducing, friend forming, tummy filling...  GAMES NIGHT!

However, just to keep you on your toes, take careful note now - the location of this games night will be:
                                                      MUSC RM 311/313!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you get that?
Ten gold stars for the individual who figures out why I'm making such a big deal about the location in this email ;)

Okay, so, for the games night this is what you will need to bring:

- Friends - acquaintances, strangers, you get the idea.  Try inviting outside of your regular group of friends!  This is an easy no-commitment night where it truly is: the more the merrier!

- Board Games - If you have some (or card games), and could bring them, that would be great!  More board games = more options!

- Baked goods - you do not have to bring anything for this night, but if you would like to contribute something, you could bring something tasty to share with everybody!

Friday night, 7pm, MUSC 311/313!

See you there?
