Howdy Folks!

I sure do hope y'all 'ur ready fur an exciting week! Here's the low-down on the hoe-down:

Prayer Pockets:Throughout the week

Small Group: Monday and Tuesday Night

Christmas Party: FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christian Unity Coffee House:December 5

Caroling: Details Coming Soon!

Prayer Pockets:
(groups of 3 or 4 who meet for ~1hr a week to pray with each other)
Monday, 9:30am - MUSC fireplace (with Naomi)
Wednesday, 2:30 - 1st floor Williams HSC (with Joel)
Thursday, 8:30am - Keyes Lobby (with Tim)
Thursday, 2:30pm -the tables an ABB on the way to thode next to the funny wood walls. (with Heidi)

These two will run if there is interest, so if you would like to join either, please let me know so that someone will be there:

Tuesday, 1:30pm - 1st floor Williams HSC (with Kammie)

Thursday, 10:30am - Hamilton Hall Math Cafe (with Joshua)

Small Groups:
(Manuscript Bible Study)

Monday Night, 7pm in the Mary Keyes Lobby
You will meet in the lobby, and then head up to a common room for the study.

Tuesday Night, 7pm at 57 Barclay St.

Dinner included!
For those who wish, we will meet at the Student Center Fireplace at 6:30-6:40 and walk over together!

If neither of those nights work for you, let us know!

IVCF/KCF Christmas Dinner
Where: Mission Baptist Church in Westdale
When: December 2nd. Arrive by 6pm, Dinner starts by 6:30pm
What: There will be GAMES and FOOD and AWESOME BONDING TIME!
Cost: $10 per person
Dress: Casual/Smart casual
**IF you are a member of IVCF/KCF, PLEASE RSVP (Attending/Not attending) to

Remember to invite your friends!

It's coming soon, and it's bound to be tons of fun! Halloween was a blast, and we were SO impressed at how well you guys invited! We want even more people out for Christmas! So start inviting now!!!!!!!!!

Christian Unity Coffee House:

This is a REALLY exciting opportunity! On December 5th (the last day of classes), every christian group on campus will be gathering together to partake in a coffee house. Do you have a talent you'd like to showcase? We're looking for performers, so let us know!

This will hopefully be a good way to see what other christian groups on our campus are doing, and will allow us to get to know each other better!

If you have something you would like to contribute to the coffee house, please send me an email with your name, contact info, availability on the night of the coffee house, the variety of your act, and approximate length of the act ASAP! It does not have to be completely solidified yet, but we need these basics for planning the night. If all you know is that you want to do something, give me your available times and how long you think you want and we'll book you a time! I am really excited to see our group step up for this event, and to see the talent that you've all been hiding from us!

Also, check out our Blog: or facebook page:

God bless!


Weekly Update

Greetings one and all!

This week is gonna be a busy one I'm sure! Here's what's up with I.V.!

Prayer Pockets:Throughout the week

Small Group: Monday and Tuesday Night

Games/Ice cream Sundae Night: November 25!!

Christmas Party: December 2

Christian Unity Coffee House:December 5

Prayer Pockets:
(groups of 3 or 4 who meet for ~1hr a week to pray with each other)
Monday, 9:30am - MUSC fireplace (with Naomi)
Wednesday, 2:30 - 1st floor Williams HSC (with Joel)
Thursday, 8:30am - Keyes Lobby (with Tim)
Thursday, 2:30pm -the tables an ABB on the way to thode next to the funny wood walls. (with Heidi)

These two will run if there is interest, so if you would like to join either, please let me know so that someone will be there:

Tuesday, 1:30pm - 1st floor Williams HSC (with Kammie)

Thursday, 10:30am - Hamilton Hall Math Cafe (with Joshua)

Small Groups:
(Manuscript Bible Study)

Monday Night, 7pm in the Mary Keyes Lobby
You will meet in the lobby, and then head up to a common room for the study.

Tuesday Night, 7pm at 57 Barclay St.

Dinner included!
For those who wish, we will meet at the Student Center Fireplace at 6:30-6:40 and walk over together!

If neither of those nights work for you, let us know!

SUNDAE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


November 25th!

7:30 pm in MUSC 318!

KCF is hosting an icecream sundae party, and they've assured us that it'll be a good one, so mark it down on your calendars now!

Bring your friends, and bring your FUN!

The Christmas Party:

December 2nd

Arrive by 6pm, Dinner will be served at 6:30

Dress code: casual or smart casual

It's coming soon, and it's bound to be tons of fun! Halloween was a blast, and we were SO impressed at how well you guys invited! We want even more people out for Christmas! So start inviting now!!!!!!!!! It will be December 2nd, and more details are on the way!

Christian Unity Coffee House:

This is a REALLY exciting opportunity! On December 5th (the last day of classes), every christian group on campus will be gathering together to partake in a coffee house. Do you have a talent you'd like to showcase? We're looking for performers, so let us know!

This will hopefully be a good way to see what other christian groups on our campus are doing, and will allow us to get to know each other better!

If you have something you would like to contribute to the coffee house, please send me an email with your name, contact info, availability on the night of the coffee house, the variety of your act, and approximate length of the act ASAP! It does not have to be completely solidified yet, but we need these basics for planning the night. If all you know is that you want to do something, give me your available times and how long you think you want and we'll book you a time! I am really excited to see our group step up for this event, and to see the talent that you've all been hiding from us!

Leadership Opportunity

Lastly, some individuals at Tuesday night's Small Group were talking this past Tuesday, and someone suggested the idea of going caroling as a group sometime before Christmas. I think this is a great idea! If you think it is too, and would like to do it, then all we need is for someone to plan it! I would like to extend an invitation to all of you out there: this would be a great opportunity for someone to experience planning and leading an event. I am willing to help out and provide guidance if needed. So, if you would like to take on this caroling event, send me an email, talk to me - let me know in some way, and we can get on it!

Also, check out our Blog: or facebook page:

God bless!


Weekly Update


I mean... Hi!

I hope all are doing well on this blustery day in the midst of midterms! Though assignments and tests can be overwhelming at times, I'd like to make this weeks update a reminder to slow down. Take a moment to think about why you're here at school, working hard and doing your best. God gives us perspective, you just may have to take some time to slow down, and listen to Him.

At InterVarsity, we like to help each other do this, so here are some ways in which we can support each other in the next coming weeks:

Prayer Pockets:Throughout the week

Small Group: Monday and Tuesday Night

Games/Ice cream Sundae Night: November 25!!

Christmas Party: December 2

Christian Unity Coffee House:December 5

Prayer Pockets:
(groups of 3 or 4 who meet for ~1hr a week to pray with each other)
Monday, 9:30am - MUSC fireplace (with Naomi)
Wednesday, 2:30 - 1st floor Williams HSC (with Joel)
Thursday, 8:30am - Keyes Lobby (with Tim)
Thursday, 2:30pm - IAHS sign (with Heidi)

These two will run if there is interest, so if you would like to join either, please let me know so that someone will be there:

Tuesday, 1:30pm - 1st floor Williams HSC (with Kammie)

Thursday, 10:30am - Hamilton Hall Math Cafe (with Joshua)

Small Groups:
(Manuscript Bible Study)

Monday Night, 7pm in the Mary Keyes Lobby
You will meet in the lobby, and then head up to a common room for the study.

Tuesday Night, 7pm at 57 Barclay St.

Dinner included!
For those who wish, we will meet at the Student Center Fireplace at 6:30-6:40 and walk over together!

If neither of those nights work for you, let us know!

Games Night!

November 25th!

7 pm in MUSC 318!

KCF is hosting an icecream sundae party, and they've assured us that it'll be a good one, so mark it down on your calendars now!

Bring your friends, and bring your FUN!

The Christmas Party:

It's coming soon, and it's bound to be tons of fun! Halloween was a blast, and we were SO impressed at how well you guys invited! We want even more people out for Christmas! So start inviting now!!!!!!!!! It will be December 2nd, and more details are on the way!

Christian Unity Coffee House:

This is a REALLY exciting opportunity! On December 5th (the last day of classes), every christian group on campus will be gathering together to partake in a coffee house. Do you have a talent you'd like to showcase? We're looking for performers, so let us know!

This will hopefully be a good way to see what other christian groups on our campus are doing, and will allow us to get to know each other better!

If you have something you would like to contribute to the coffee house, please send me an email with your name, contact info, availability on the night of the coffee house, the variety of your act, and approximate length of the act ASAP! It does not have to be completely solidified yet, but we need these basics for planning the night. If all you know is that you want to do something, give me your available times and how long you think you want and we'll book you a time! I am really excited to see our group step up for this event, and to see the talent that you've all been hiding from us!

Leadership Opportunity

Lastly, some individuals at Tuesday night's Small Group were talking this past Tuesday, and someone suggested the idea of going caroling as a group sometime before Christmas. I think this is a great idea! If you think it is too, and would like to do it, then all we need is for someone to plan it! I would like to extend an invitation to all of you out there: this would be a great opportunity for someone to experience planning and leading an event. I am willing to help out and provide guidance if needed. So, if you would like to take on this caroling event, send me an email, talk to me - let me know in some way, and we can get on it!

Also, check out our Blog: or facebook page:

Remember, God made you special, and He loves you very much!!

Hope to see you ALL soon!
